Thursday, 6 August 2009

My Birthday

Just missed starting this blog of my next 365 days until I am 45 on my actually 44th Birthday

Ray and I had been for a meal in Ashby and decided to create this on our return missing the 5th by seconds - never mind between us we are late more times than not so why break a habit

5th August started well with Tea in bed followed by a surprise present from Ray - a new compact digital camera.........
Ray then had to go off to work.....I however had the day booked off and Sara was coming round for us to spend the day together.

Nick, Keelie and Dylan arrived around 10.00am and gave m two gifts (body lotions and Nail Varnish) really lovely ..... I told them all about my Egypt trip(s) coming up which I will explain further in the Blog - both seemed surprised but pleased for me.
Sara then arrived 10.30 and I advised her also around Egypt and again she was very pleased for me and will look forward to a holiday

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